Looks like they hate the media in Pakistan even more than we do

Pakistan: Dozen of media persons have been subjected to the horrible torture by doctors in the presence of police at Jinnah Hospital.

Take two aspirin and call someone who gives a damn in the morning.

Hey, you American media people should just read this story and consider yourselves damn lucky.

The report comes in from Pakistan’s GEO TV:

Dozen of media persons have been subjected to the horrible torture by doctors in the presence of police at Jinnah Hospital here on Wednesday.

Tension began when media persons went to hospital to cover a demonstration staged by the relative of 60-year-old patient, who died due to alleged negligence of the doctor.

The doctors became annoyed when journalists asked them the reason for the death of patient while instead of answering the question, they started beating the media persons.

According to Geo correspondent Faisal Karim, media persons were invited for talks at the hospital’s conference room, where they were beaten again both by the doctors and police.

Faisal said he was also among the journalists, who were also severely beaten by the doctors-turned-rioters.

Rioting doctors? Thanks to ObamaCare, we’re only a couple steps away from that in the United States.

Much as we would like to follow the Pakistani doctors’ example and beat Keith Olberamm silly, we will refrain. We think he suffers far more pain when people laugh at him.

Source: Geo Television

Viva La France? Peut-être non (maybe not)

France is reeling from a documentary about a psychological experiment disguised as a game show. The fictitious game show had all the trappings of a real TV quiz show, including a beautiful and well-known hostess, and a raucous audience. A group of contestants posed questions to a man sitting inside a box in front of them in an electric chair.

Only the most despicable nation on earth (read the United States) would do something as horrible as waterboarding terrorists. Especially with a flimsy excuse like “Maybe we can get information to keep them from blowing up more buildings and killing more innocent people.”

But as we’ve been told by President Obama, great nations don’t torture.

Take France, or example. Now there’s a civilized nation. They don’t torture people unless it’s for a really good reason. Like maybe winning a TV game show.

According to NPR, “France is reeling from a documentary about a psychological experiment disguised as a game show. The fictitious game show had all the trappings of a real TV quiz show, including a beautiful and well-known hostess, and a raucous audience. A group of contestants posed questions to a man sitting inside a box in front of them in an electric chair.”

The players were urged by both the hostess and audience to send shocks into the man in the box when he gave a wrong answer.

Even when the player screamed out in pain, begging them to stop, 80% of the contestants continued zapping him.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité, and now, électricité.

– Written by Patrick Michael

Tehran’s Gitmo gets no coverage

Rape and torture. Abuse. Denial of basic rights of an adherent to Islam. Are these allegations of American military treatment of terror suspects in Gitmo?
Are these allegations of American military treatment of terror suspects in Gitmo? Or tales from Abu Ghraib? Neither.

Dr. Ramin Pourandarjani, the latest victim of Iranian terror and American media indifference, if not compliance.
Dr. Ramin Pourandarjani, the latest victim of Iranian terror and American media indifference, if not compliance.

Rape and torture. Abuse. Denial of basic rights of an adherent to Islam.

Are these allegations of American military treatment of terror suspects in Gitmo? Or tales from Abu Ghraib?


These are reports about the horrible conditions of prisoners brought to light by a heroic Iranian doctor that, unless you read the Wall Street Journal, you’ve never heard about. You probably haven’t heard of the name of the latest martyr to the cause of a free Iran either, a cause the American government and media has chosen to bury.

The young Iranian doctor named Ramin Pourandarjani defied the regime by refusing to sign death certificates and dared to report on the conditions in the prison, which included tales of rape and murder.

Pourandarjani mysteriously ended up dead. The Iranian government said it was a car accident. And then heart attack. And then a suicide.

“I sent off my young, healthy and beautiful son to military service, and I got his dead body back,” says his mother, Ruhangiz Pourandarjani, who lives in the northwest city of Tabriz. “Anyone who says he committed suicide is lying and should be afraid of God.”

Maybe if an American had been in charge of Tehran’s torture jail Dr. Pourandarjani would still be alive today. His tales of torture would have certainly been front page news in newspapers and leading stories on television.

Source: Wall Street Journal

– Written by Sven Waring

The Greatest President In History continues the same rendition policy he condemned while campaigning

Once again, President Obama is at odds with candidate Obama. “The Obama administration will continue the Bush administration’s practice of sending terror suspects to third countries for detention and interrogation.” How is this possible? How could the Greatest President In History continue a program that’s so hated by his most ardent supporters?

Which Obama do we get today?
Which Obama do we get today?

Once again, President Obama is at odds with candidate Obama.

“The Obama administration will continue the Bush administration’s practice of sending terror suspects to third countries for detention and interrogation,” the New York Times reports, “but will monitor their treatment to ensure they are not tortured, administration officials said on Monday.”

How is this possible? How could the Greatest President In History continue a program that’s so hated by his most ardent supporters?

It’s Bush’s fault.

Source: New York Times

Pissed-Off Progressive of the Day: Nancy Pelosi

A little advice for reporters: Don’t bother asking Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi about the CIA anymore.

She’s finished lying talking about those lying liars. She’s lied said all she’s going to lie say. And that’s that.

Queen Nancy hath lied spoken.

Source: Gateway Pundit

North Korean defector would like to show Nancy Pelosi what real torture looks like

Anyone who wants to call waterboarding torture should talk to Bang Mi-Sun about real torture
Anyone who wants to call waterboarding torture should talk to Bang Mi-Sun about real torture

A shocking story of real torture was told in Washington, DC on Wednesday. It went completely unreported by the biased liberal media that wants you to believe waterboarding somehow rises to the level of torture.

Here’s how Chosun Korea tells the story of Bang Mi-Sun:

There were gasps in the audience at a press conference by female North Korean defectors in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday when Bang Mi-Sun rolled up her black skirt and showed the deep ugly scars in her thighs. The event was part of North Korea Freedom Week.

As soon as she was asked to recount her life in a North Korean concentration camp, Bang (55) stepped on a chair and roll up her skirt. Various parts of her thighs were sunken as if the flesh had been gouged out. She also walks with a limp.

Bang had formerly been an actress with the propaganda squad of the Musan Mine. She fled the North with her children when her husband starved to death in 2002, but soon fell victim to human traffickers. She was arrested by Chinese police and was sent back to the North, where she was tortured. In 2004, she escaped again.

Nancy Pelosi immediately demanded congressional hearings to determine if Dick Cheney had authorized North Korea’s enhanced interrogation techniques.

Source: Chosun.com via GatewayPundit.com

Who said it? And when did they say it? The fun new party game that’s sweeping Washington, DC.

Gitmo. Scene of untold horrors and told unhorrors.
Gitmo. Scene of untold horrors and told unhorrors.
See if you can guess who said the following in regarding Guantanamo inmates:

“One of the things we clearly want to do with these prisoners is to have an ability to interrogate them and find out what their future plans might be, where other cells are located. Under the Geneva Convention, you are really limited in the amount of information that you can elicit from people…[They] are not, in fact, people entitled to the protection of the Geneva Convention. They are not prisoners of war…Those in Europe and other places who are concerned about the treatment of al-Qaida members should come to Camp X-ray and see how the people are, in fact, being treated.”

Was it said by:

A. George Bush in June 2007
B. Dick Cheney in October 2008
C. John Ashcroft in 2003
D. Condoleezza Rice in 2009

The answer is None of the Above.

The quote comes from Eric Holder, our current attorney general, back in 2002. Now Holder is supposed to decide whether or not to depose or indict Bush’s legal advisors. Not that you’ll ever hear him questioned about his pre-Obama views on the evening news.

Do amnesiac Democrats (abetted by their liberal media cheerleaders) really want to keep digging themselves into a “torture” hole over the use of enhanced interrogation techniques that they approved of at the time? Maybe Holder will end up indicting himself along with House Screecher Pelosi.

As columnist Victor Davis Hanson ends a recent column, “If I were the Democratic leadership, I’d move on, so to speak.”

Source: RealClearPolitics.com

Pelosi tortures the truth: She was fully-briefed on waterboarding in 2002

Sgt Schultz knew nothing, but Nancy Pelosi claims to know even less.
Sgt Schultz knew nothing, but Nancy Pelosi claims to know even less.
Once again, Democrat Nancy Pelosi lies and the truth dies.

According to a report from the Director of National Intelligence, Democrat House Speaker Pelosi was fully-briefed on the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” way back in September of 2002.

Of course, this flies in the face of Pelosi’s subsequent statement that she knew nothing about waterboarding or any other “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

What? How could this be? A Pelosi spokesman said Madame Speaker thought the techniques were legal and, my oh my, she never knew waterboarding was used.

“As this document shows, the speaker was briefed only once, in September 2002,” the spokesman said. “The briefers described these techniques, said they were legal, but said that waterboarding had not yet been used.”

Pelosi wants to establish an independent commission to investigate anyone and everyone involved in the drafting the of interrogation methods. Everyone who has an (R) after their name, that is.

Question: How can you tell when Nancy Pelosi is lying? Answer: She moves her lips.

Source: FoxNews.com

Bitchslap of the Day
Condi Rice schools uninformed student

Professor, diplomat, author, national security expert and 66th US Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, gave this know-it-all liberal student a little lesson in the trouble of dealing with religious fanatics. Enhanced interrogation were legal and they worked.

Former CIA chief Goss calls Pelosi “a shameless liar”

Former CIA Director Porter Goss came out blasting about waterboarding last Friday. Contrary to what Pelosi says on this video clip, there’s no question about what she knew nor when she knew it.

Here’s the statement from Goss. It’s remarkably unlike the diplomatic pablum normally served up in Washington, DC:

Today, I am slack-jawed to read that members claim to have not understood that the techniques on which they were briefed were to actually be employed; or that specific techniques such as “waterboarding” were never mentioned. It must be hard for most Americans of common sense to imagine how a member of Congress can forget being told about the interrogations of Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. In that case, though, perhaps it is not amnesia but political expedience.

Let me be clear. It is my recollection that:

– The chairs and the ranking minority members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, known as the Gang of Four, were briefed that the CIA was holding and interrogating high-value terrorists.

– We understood what the CIA was doing.

– We gave the CIA our bipartisan support.

– We gave the CIA funding to carry out its activities.

– On a bipartisan basis, we asked if the CIA needed more support from Congress to carry out its mission against al-Qaeda.

I do not recall a single objection from my colleagues.

When Goss refers to the ranking Democratic member on the House intel committee, he means none other than Pelosi.

Pelosi’s video is the least sincere sounding denial to come out of Washington, DC since Bill Clinton said, “I did not have sex with that woman.”

Source: HotAir.com

If government officials are prosecuted for approving torture, let’s include Congress

If waterboarding won't break Pelosi, threaten to withhold her Botox.
If waterboarding won't break Pelosi, threaten to withhold her Botox.
President Obama says he’s open to prosecuting Bush officials for their anti-terror legal advice. This comes only two days after Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said no prosecutions were being considered because this is not the time for “anger and retribution”.

So much for “looking forward”.

Well, if government officials are to be prosecuted for approving “torture,” shouldn’t we include Congress? After all, Congress was fully briefed and approved of the “enhanced” interrogation tactics used by the CIA. But then, that would mean Congress would have to investigate and prosecute itself. You know, kind of like Barney Frank fixing the financial mess he helped create.

The Wall Street Journal notes in its “Presidential Poison” editorial that Bush officials won’t (or shouldn’t) be the only ones on the hot seat if this goes forward: “Congress will face questions about what the Members knew and when, especially Nancy Pelosi when she was on the House Intelligence Committee in 2002.

The Speaker now says she remembers hearing about waterboarding, though not that it would actually be used. Porter Goss, her GOP counterpart at the time, says he knew exactly what he was hearing and that, if anything, Ms. Pelosi worried the CIA wasn’t doing enough to stop another attack. By all means, put her under oath.

Here’s an idea that might help jog Pelosi’s memory as to what she actually heard and approved:

Waterboard ‘er.

Source: Wall Street Journal

California congressman jumps all over Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was testifying in Congress yesterday. It wasn’t pretty.

When long-time conservative California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher asked her about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s request to release additional CIA interrogation documents, Hillary tried to deflect the question by saying, “I don’t find him to be a particularly reliable source of information.”

Rohrabacher jumped on her like a bulldog on a bone. It was a thing of beauty. What Rohrabacher did, not Hillary.

“Mademe Secretary, I asked you a specific question…we’re not asking your opinion of Dick Cheney…you want to maintain your credibility with us, what is your opinion on the release of those documents”

The woman didn’t answer, wouldn’t answer, couldn’t answer, all of the above.

Source: CNN via BluegrassPundit.com

Obama so tough he can fight jihadists with one hand tied behind his back

President Obama demonstrating how easy it is to do stuff with one hand tied behind his back.
President Obama demonstrating how easy it is to do stuff with one hand tied behind his back.
“I’m sure that sometimes it seems as if…we’re operating with one hand tied behind our back, or that those who would argue for a higher standard are naïve,” said President Obama to an audience of CIA spooks at Langley.

The reason for Obama’s appearance at CIA headquarters was to explain his release of OLC memos that tell terrorists exactly how to train against U.S. interrogation methods.

You may be wondering, how will we defeat jihadists now that they know how far we’re willing to go to extract information? Better technology? Better weapons? An army of lawyers armed with lawsuits?

Here’s how Obama explained his reason for releasing the OLC memos and how he plans to wage the War on Terror, or whatever it’s called now:

“I believe that our nation is stronger and more secure when we deploy the full measure of both our power and the power of our values –- including the rule of law.”

Bask for a moment in the power of our values. It sure put a quick stop to those Somali pirates, didn’t it?

Don’t you feel safer already?

Source: WhiteHouse.gov

Shep Smith goes apesh*t on the air, screams “We are America. We don’t f*cking torture.”

Shephard Smith probably wishes he could take back an exchange he had yesterday on Fox News. The anchor got, shall we say, a little heated during a discussion with Trace Gallagher and Andrew Napolitano.

He said, and we quote, “We are America! I don’t give a rat’s ass if it helps! We are America! We do not f*cking torture!”

Immediately after the outburst, Shep got very quiet. We imagine his director must have been screaming some equally color language into his earpiece.

We have one question for you, Mr. Smith. If torture is not allowed in America, how does Keith Olbermann stay on the air?

Source: Fox News via NewsBusters.com

Wimpy Americans: interrogators accused of torturing terrorist “with an insect”

If the caterpillar torture technique didn't work, inhumane American interrogators were prepared to move on to the dreaded ladybug torture.
If the caterpillar torture technique didn't work, inhumane American interrogators were prepared to move on to the dreaded ladybug torture.

Remember how the media was so upset about the infamous “panties on the head” torture technique employed at Abu Ghraib? Well, now ABC News has it collective (and collectivist) panties in a wad about a completely different, but equally wimpy torture technique.

“Tonight, secret memos,” ABC News’ Charles Gibson intoned, “new documents reveal in vivid detail just how far the Bush administration went in interrogating terror suspects, using insects, confinement boxes, water-boards and more.”

“Even some congressional officials who had the highest security clearances were surprised by some of the details today,” George Stephanopoulos added, “especially that detail about the fact that (Abu) Zubayda was tortured with an insect in a confinement box.”

Ahhh, but ABC left out one important detail.

“In the case of al-Qaeda figure Abu Zubaydah, who feared insects,” Pete Williams noted on NBC News, “interrogators were given permission to put a harmless one like a caterpillar in a box in which he was confined, but that technique was never used.”

Ironic, isn’t it, that vermin should be afraid of insects.

Source: ABC and NBC via NewsBusters

Headline of the Day
“Waterboarding Used on 9/11 Mastermind 183 Times”

waterboarding2Wikipedia says 2,998 people died in the terrorist attacks on 9/11. So we’d say Khalid Shaikh Mohammed still owes us at least another 2,815 waterboarding sessions.

Time to pay up, Khalid.

Source: FoxNews.com

Marines tortured Saddam, made him watch South Park episode in which he was Satan’s gay boyfriend


While Saddam Hussein was being held by U.S. Marines, he was forced to watch the movie “South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut.” Repeatedly. To make it even funnier, the animated feature shows Saddam as Satan’s gay boyfriend.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of the animated series and film, were thrilled that Saddam’s guards gave them the photo.

“We’re very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means,” Stone said. “It’s one of our biggest highlights.”

“I have it on pretty good information from the Marines on detail in Iraq that they showed Saddam the movie,” he laughed. “Over and over again – which is a pretty funny thought.”

Are tasteless cartoons a violation of the Geneva Convention? Tough luck.

Source: U.K. Telegraph viaBreitbart

Torture Ban = Civil Rights Act

by Flickr's takomabibelot
by Flickr's takomabibelot

Back in 1989, when Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega took refuge inside the embassy of the Vatican in Panama City, we blasted rock ‘n roll outside the embassy 24 hours a day until Noriega couldn’t take it anymore.

We said we were serenading him. Noriega said we were torturing him. Good thing CBS newsman Bob Schieffer wasn’t on the scene.

“Hubert Humphrey once said the 1964 Civil Rights Act was America’s single most effective foreign policy initiative,” said Schieffer said. “It…told the world what we stood for and that our system was about fairness and equal treatment and that it worked. I thought about that when Barack Obama announced that torture would never be part of our national policy.”

Kenny G and that damn saxaphone. We say that’s what should be against the Geneva Convention.

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