There Were Only 300 Muslims in This Entire Country Before the U.S. Sent Down Six More — From Guantanamo

There Were Only 300 Muslims in This Entire Country Before the U.S. Sent Down Six More — From Guantanamo. Nice, they can commiserate with the Nazis.

Guantanamo Bay prisoners released to Slovakia and Georgia included ‘high risk’ al-Qaeda members who traveled with Osama bin Laden and produced forged passports

Guantanamo Bay prisoners released to Slovakia and Georgia included ‘high risk’ al-Qaeda members who traveled with Osama bin Laden and produced forged passports. Obama’s new Catch and Rearm Program.

Unbelievable story of the day: Gitmo hides American flag so terrorist inmates won’t be offended by it

We have become wimps. Completely embarrassing wimps. There’s simply no other way to describe it.

We have become wimps. Completely embarrassing wimps. There’s simply no other way to describe it. has the details of an unbelievable story out of the Guantanamo terrorist prison:

Don't let the sight of an American flag offend the little darlings at Gitmo

In an especially well-timed release this week, Richard Miniter’s MASTERMIND: The Many Faces of the 9/11 Architect, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed reveals Mohammed’s rise to the top of Al Qaeda and his planning of the jihadist attacks on America in 2001.More than that, though, Miniter’s book includes shocking new disclosures about how the US treats its detainees. Miniter tells Big Peace:

I was stunned to learn while researching Mastermind that Guantanamo detainees succeeded in convincing prison officials to no longer raise the American flag anywhere they could see it. Each morning on every U.S. military base around the world, the American flag is raised to a bugle. But in the interests of not offending the detainees, it was stopped at Guantanamo.

Hide it? We think not. We should surround the damn prison yard with flag poles and raise the Stars & Stripes one at a time every morning as a team of buglers play Reveille over and over again.

They’re illiterate friggin’ prisoners mysteriously transported from the 13th century. Who cares what offends them?


He bows to kings, he bows to dictators, and now he bows to the inevitable: Obama to resume Gitmo trials

Another day, another campaign promise broken. Are there still any liberals out there who believe a word that comes out of President Obama’s mouth? If so, why?

Another day, another campaign promise broken. Are there still any liberals out there who believe a word that comes out of President Obama’s mouth? If so, why?

gitmoFOX News has the down-low on Gitmo:

President Obama announced Monday that military trials will resume for detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, saying the tribunals are an “important tool in combating international terrorists.”

The president, who issued an executive order outlining the changes Monday afternoon, said Defense Secretary Robert Gates will rescind his January 2009 ban against bringing new charges against terror suspects in the military commissions.

Obama said in a statement that the decision was part of a plan to “broaden our ability to bring terrorists to justice.”

Obama vowed when he took office to close the detention facility at Guantanamo.

So when he holds trials at Gitmo, they are an “important tool in combating international terrorists.” But when George Bush held trials at Gitmo, they increased terrorism by inciting Muslims’ hatred for America.

Take another bow, President Obama. Take another bow.

Source: FOX News

As it was so shall it always be: Obama to hold terrorists indefinitely without trial

Remember the horror Obama suffered at the thought of George W. Bush holding terrorists indefinitely without trials? Remember how his leftist supporters howled that it was not only unconscionable, but unconstitutional?

Every word that comes out of B. Hussein Obama’s mouth is just more rhetoric. And just mere rhetoric.

Remember the horror he suffered at the thought of George W. Bush holding terrorists indefinitely without trials? Remember how his leftist supporters howled that it was not only unconscionable, but unconstitutional? Remember how he arrived on the scene to restore the rights of those poor, justice-deprived souls?

Khalid Sheik Mohammed seems to have mastered Charlie Rangel's trademark "I am innocent" look

Never mind.

The Washington Post reports that reality has reared its ugly head once again:

President Obama may be forced to reopen the Military commissions or indefinitely hold terrorists without trial.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will probably remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, according to Obama administration officials.

The administration has concluded that it cannot put Mohammed on trial in federal court because of the opposition of lawmakers in Congress and in New York. There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

Liberal supporters, one might note, are the only supporters this incompetent serial liar has left.

Source: Washington Post

Hell, no, we won’t go! Gitmo detainees sue to block transfer to Illinois?

it turns out that the detainees would rather stay in Guantanamo than be transferred to President Obama’s preferred prison in Illinois.

Gitmo detainees praying to Allah that they don't get transferred to Illinois

Remember Guantanamo? That hideous American Gulag hidden away in Cuba so we could torture prisoners using unimaginably cruel techniques far from the prying eyes of noble, crusading newsmen?

Now it turns out that the detainees would rather stay there than be transferred to President Obama’s preferred prison in Illinois.

Michael Isikoff reports in Newsweek:

But the final irony is that many of the detainees may not even want to be transferred to Thomson and could conceivably even raise their own legal roadblocks to allow them to stay at Gitmo.

Falkoff notes that many of his clients, while they clearly want to go home, are at least being held under Geneva Convention conditions in Guantánamo. At Thomson, he notes, the plans call for them to be thrown into the equivalent of a “supermax” security prison under near-lockdown conditions.

“As far as our clients are concerned, it’s probably preferable for them to remain at Guantánamo,” he says.

Waterboarding, apparently, is one thing, but going to Illinois is something else.

Source: Newsweek

“Now, now, Abdullah, make sure you use perspective when you draw the infidel’s beheading.”

Former Guantanamo inmates are being “rehabilitated” through a combination of art therapy and intensive recreation at a Saudi facility.

Excellent, Abdullah. Now color in the red arcs and your Obama logo will be complete.

Perhaps this conversation is taking place right now as former Guantanamo inmates are being “rehabilitated” through a combination of art therapy and intensive recreation at a Saudi facility.

According to the New York Post, the program is a cross between a daycare and terrorist training camp.

“In between tasty picnic-style meals of rice and lamb and snacks of Snickers along with dips in the pool, participants practice Arabic calligraphy, produce dizzying Jackson Pollack rip-offs and imagine the aftermath of car bombings in crayon.”

The concept hasn’t been that successful. Well, maybe we just need to re-define what “successful” means.

Graduates of the program have certainly succeeded at reestablishing their terrorist careers. One graduate, Said Ali al Shihri — a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who now heads up al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The same group that tried to blow up an airliner on Christmas.

Maybe al Shihri will be the next commencement speaker.

Source: New York Post

– Written by Sven Waring

Two al-Qaeda leaders behind airline terror plot were released from Guantanamo. Anyone surprised?

How successful do you think you’d be rehabilitating Muslim fanatics with something called the “art therapy rehabilitation program”? You are correct. Whatever it is, it was obviously an abysmal failure.

The Art Therapy Rehab program changed Muhamad al-Awfi from a cold-blooded killer to a cold-blooded attempted mass murderer

We’d like to pose a question. A hypothetical question, to be sure.

How successful do you think you’d be rehabilitating Muslim fanatics with something called the “art therapy rehabilitation program”?

You are correct. Whatever it is, it was obviously an abysmal failure. ABC News reports the ludicrous details:

Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans.

American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.

Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody. Al-Harbi has since changed his name to Muhamad al-Awfi.

The Art Therapy Rehabilitation Program. Or as it’s known in Waziristan, finger painting for fanatics.

Source: ABC News

Tehran’s Gitmo gets no coverage

Rape and torture. Abuse. Denial of basic rights of an adherent to Islam. Are these allegations of American military treatment of terror suspects in Gitmo?
Are these allegations of American military treatment of terror suspects in Gitmo? Or tales from Abu Ghraib? Neither.

Dr. Ramin Pourandarjani, the latest victim of Iranian terror and American media indifference, if not compliance.
Dr. Ramin Pourandarjani, the latest victim of Iranian terror and American media indifference, if not compliance.

Rape and torture. Abuse. Denial of basic rights of an adherent to Islam.

Are these allegations of American military treatment of terror suspects in Gitmo? Or tales from Abu Ghraib?


These are reports about the horrible conditions of prisoners brought to light by a heroic Iranian doctor that, unless you read the Wall Street Journal, you’ve never heard about. You probably haven’t heard of the name of the latest martyr to the cause of a free Iran either, a cause the American government and media has chosen to bury.

The young Iranian doctor named Ramin Pourandarjani defied the regime by refusing to sign death certificates and dared to report on the conditions in the prison, which included tales of rape and murder.

Pourandarjani mysteriously ended up dead. The Iranian government said it was a car accident. And then heart attack. And then a suicide.

“I sent off my young, healthy and beautiful son to military service, and I got his dead body back,” says his mother, Ruhangiz Pourandarjani, who lives in the northwest city of Tabriz. “Anyone who says he committed suicide is lying and should be afraid of God.”

Maybe if an American had been in charge of Tehran’s torture jail Dr. Pourandarjani would still be alive today. His tales of torture would have certainly been front page news in newspapers and leading stories on television.

Source: Wall Street Journal

– Written by Sven Waring

Palau blackmailing Obama, wants more money

The tiny island nation of Palau is “asking” the United States, its longtime sugar daddy, to ante up “aid” money for another 35 years.

Strange, foreign terrorists. An exotic island paradise. Blackmail. It has the makings of a great movie.
Strange, foreign terrorists. An exotic island paradise. Blackmail. It has the makings of a great movie.

We’ve watched Law & Order enough times to know that you should never make the mistake of paying a blackmailer. Pay them once, the police always say, and they’ll keep coming back for more.

In a real world example of the same principle, the tiny island nation of Palau is “asking” the United States, its longtime sugar daddy, to ante up “aid” money for another 35 years.

Obama made the mistake of bribing Palau $200 million to take 13 Gitmo detainees. Now Palau is coming back for more water from the same well.

They’re proposing a 30-year extension to the Compact of Free Association between the two nations. That means they want the gravy train (or in this case, the gravy boat) to continue for a couple more generations.

Palauan negotiator Joshua Koshiba said Palau’s “offer” to take the Uighur terrorists was “a positive for the negotiation.”

“I can point my finger at them now and say, ‘See, we are helping you too, without asking for help only,”‘ he said.

Koshiba said Palau will weigh its options if Uncle Sugar Daddy won’t pay up.

“When you have a friend, if they don’t want to be your friend anymore, what do you do? Don’t you look for another friend?” Koshiba waxed philosophically.

We would also like to wax philosophically in response:

Screw you and the Uighurs you rode in on, Palau.


Obama wants to send two Gitmo detainees to Germany, Germany doesn’t want them

Angela Merkel is playing President Obama like a fiddle. Germany has said, “Sure, we’ll take Gitmo detainees, but only if they have some ‘connection’ to Germany.”

al-Qaeda terrorists will be trading in their suicide vests for lederhosen if President Obama has his way.
al-Qaeda terrorists will be trading in their suicide vests for lederhosen if President Obama has his way.

Angela Merkel is playing President Obama like a fiddle. Germany has said, “Sure, we’ll take Gitmo detainees, but only if they have some ‘connection’ to Germany.”

So in an effort to get Germany to play along, the Obama administration has come up with almost laughable “connections” for two of the detainees. No, we take that back. They are laughable.

One of the detainees is a Tunisian who applied for asylum in Germany after entering the country illegally in 1996. He lived in Frankfurt and was known to the local police as a drug-dealer and petty criminal. He left Germany for Pakistan in 1999 just as German authorities were ready to give him the boot.

The second detainee is a Syrian who appeared in an al-Qaeda video in 2001 and announced that he was a candidate for “martyrdom.” No one outside the Obama administration can quite figure out what this model citizen’s connection to Germany might be other than the his own statement that he once sought asylum at the German Embassy in the United Arab Emirates.

C’mon, President Obama, you can do better than that. Surely, these guys have eaten at Wienerschnitzel. Or celebrated Octoberfest. Or chugged a Heineken. Or watched Patton. Or spent a wild weekend wearing leather lederhosen.

Hell, any of those would be closer connections to Germany than you guys conjured up.


Congressman visits Bermuda on Uighur fact-finding trip and taxpayer-paid boondoggle

Delahunt, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight, flew to Bermuda Friday to investigate Uighur terrorists.

Congressman Delahunt specializes in tropical vacation investigations. He's already investigated vital issues in Venezuela and Cuba in 2009.
Congressman Delahunt specializes in tropical vacation investigations. He's already investigated vital issues in Venezuela and Cuba in 2009.

You can count on Democrat Congressman Bill Delahunt. He’ll get to the bottom of this Uighur scandal even if he has to drink every last pina colada in Bermuda to do so.

Delahunt, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight, flew to Bermuda Friday.

His mission? To interview the former Gitmo Uighur detainees who took up residence in a beachfront Bahamian house last week.

But please do not make the mistake of thinking this is some kind of taxpayer-paid weekend in the islands for Delahunt. No, siree, Bob. This is a weekend fact-finding mission prior to a full-blown congressional hearings he wants to hold in the Bahamas. Hearings that will undoubtedly require the congressman to spend weeks and weeks working his fingers to the bone.

We can picture the Congressman now, looking those Chinese terrorists right square in the eye and asking the tough questions.

Like “What’s par on this hole?”


Bermuda update: Terrorists swim, residents stew

The Bermudians Bermudites Bermudese people of Bermuda are not happy about having four Uighur terrorists plopped down on their island paradise. Not happy at all.

Terrorist swimming
Terrorist swimming

The Bermudians Bermudites Bermudese people of Bermuda are not happy about having four Uighur terrorists plopped down on their island paradise. Not happy at all.

Here’s how The Royal Gazette reports the story:

“Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Cabinet building this afternoon to call for the Premier to step down following his decision to bring four Guantanamo detainees to Bermuda without consulting with the Governor or the UK Government.”

“The huge crowd first heard speeches by rally organisers outside Sessions House demanding Dr. Ewart Brown’s resignation, before marching en masse to the Cabinet lawn.”

Residents stewing
Residents stewing

And just to add insult to injury, it turns out the Obama administration made the decision to bring the former Guantanamo detainees to Bermuda without consulting with the Governor or the government of the United Kingdom.

The Uighurs responded to the diplomatic flap by saying, “Bring us another round of mai tais, waitress. The ones with the little umbrellas.”

Source: Royal Gazette via

Good news for terrorists: No longer necessary to kill yourself to get to into paradise

Former Guantanamo detainees are now living it up in Bermuda and Palau. They’re sleeping late, dining out, and living in a lovely beachfront house. Undoubtedly on your dime.

Earlier this week we learned that 13 of the Chinese Uighur terrorists from Gitmo had been “resettled” on the tropical paradise of Palau. Now we learn that four more of them have been “resettled” in Bermuda. (“Resettled,” of course, is a travel industry term that means “treated like you’d like to be treated on the vacation you’ll never be able to afford”).

Yes, four former Guantanamo detainees (otherwise known as enemy combatants) are now living it up in Bermuda. They’re sleeping late, dining out, and living in a lovely beachfront house. Undoubtedly on your dime.

Next thing you know, some genius in the Obama administration will drop a load of terrorists in Bora Bora, thinking that it must be a lot like Tora Bora.

Source: Fox News via GatewayPundit

Obama finally finds someone willing to take
17 Gitmo detainees

Chinese Muslim terrorists will spend the rest of their days lounging on the beaches of Palau
Chinese Muslim terrorists will spend the rest of their days lounging on the beaches of Palau

The President announced a few weeks ago that he was asking our allies to accept Gitmo detainees. France turned him down. Germany turned him down. Great Britain turned him down. Australia turned him down. So the president got out a copy of “The Idiot’s Guide to the U.N.” and started going down the membership list.

Great news. One of our “major allies” just agreed to accept 17 Chinese Uighur Muslim detainees. Palau. Yes, Palau.

Questions abound. Let’s review one at a time:

Question #1: Where the hell is Palau?
Answer #1: 500 miles east of the Philippines, 2000 miles south of Toyko, a million miles from Washington, DC.

Question #2: Why haven’t I heard of it?
Answer #2: It’s one of the world’s smallest nations. It’s been off the radar since World War II. It only has 20,000 residents. It’s not surprising that you haven’t heard of it, because they can’t decide if their name is Palau or Belau or Pelew.

Question #3: What’s China’s reaction to this move?
Answer #3: No word from China yet, but Palau is one of the few countries that doesn’t recognize China and still maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Question #4: Why are they accepting the detainees?
Answer #4: President Johnson Toribiong says its “a humanitarian gesture” and “but a small thing we can do to thank our best friend and ally for all it has done for Palau.”

Question #5: No, really. Why is Palau taking the detainees?
Answer #5: Keep an eye on President Obama’s foreign aid budget. We’d be surprised if every Palauian (or Belauian or Pelewian) doesn’t end up a multi-millionaire before this is over.

Source: AP

Biden latest blunder: He agrees with Cheney – not Obama – on Gitmo

Joe Biden looking confused when confronted with the fact that he agrees with former Vice President Dick Cheney, not Barack Obama
Joe Biden looking confused when confronted with the fact that he agrees with former Vice President Dick Cheney, not Barack Obama

When President Obama hears about Joe Biden’s latest statement, you can bet the phone lines will burn up between Washington, DC and Kosovo.

That’s where Biden tossed his boss under the bus and this is how the Telegraph UK reported it:

It seems that all a reporter has to do to find out about the pickle Barack Obama’s is really in over his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison is to ask the veep…

So will Obama fulfill his vow – announced amid great fanfare in an executive order on day two of his presidency – to close the facility by January 2010? “I think so,” Biden responded, according to Newsweek’s Holly Bailey.

So perhaps he will. Or perhaps not. We’ll see.

Biden continued: “But, look, what the president said is that this is going to be hard. It’s like opening Pandora’s Box. We don’t know what’s inside the box.”

He also said that “to the best of my knowledge” the number of prisoners “who are a real danger who are not able to returned or tried” has “not been established” by the Obama administration.

So he basically just confirmed his predecessor Dick Cheney’s analysis that the decision was taken “with little deliberation, and no plan”.

So Biden says closing Gitmo is like opening Pandora’s box.

That’s either zen-like in its wisdom or just a really bad simile. We vote for the really bad simile.

Source: Telegraph UK

Holder says administration will “do its best” not to release dangerous prisoners from Gitmo

Don't miss the Jihad booth at the Wednesday night Farmer's Market in Fairfax County.
Don't miss the Jihad booth at the Wednesday night Farmer's Market in Fairfax County.

The President’s going to do his best to make sure dangerous terrorists aren’t released in the United States.

Of course, this is the same guy whose best choice for Vice President was Joe Biden and whose best choice for Treasury Secretary was Timothy Geithner and whose best choice for Health & Human Services Secretary was Tom Daschle and whose best choice of a gift for Queen Elizabeth was an iPod. reports:

Attorney General Eric Holder told the House Judiciary Committee that his department will “do its best” to make sure that Guantanamo Bay detainees who pose a threat to the United States are kept imprisoned after President Barack Obama’s order to close down Gitmo is carried out.

The story continues:

Suspected al-Qaeda terrorists aren’t the only ones being detained at Gitmo. Holder was asked about 17 Chinese Muslim detainees at Guantanamo known as Uighurs (WEE-gurs).

“In terms of release [of Uighurs], we don’t have a choice, they have to be released,” said Holder during the testimony. “Unless (you’re asking) us to defy an order from the United States court.”

The Uighurs were cleared of suspected terrorism, but have been held at Gitmo because they cannot be returned to China.

Obama’s current plan is to release the Uighurs in Fairfax County, Virginia. But rest assured that the administration will do its best to keep them from slaughtering too many innocent Americans.


Who said it? And when did they say it? The fun new party game that’s sweeping Washington, DC.

Gitmo. Scene of untold horrors and told unhorrors.
Gitmo. Scene of untold horrors and told unhorrors.
See if you can guess who said the following in regarding Guantanamo inmates:

“One of the things we clearly want to do with these prisoners is to have an ability to interrogate them and find out what their future plans might be, where other cells are located. Under the Geneva Convention, you are really limited in the amount of information that you can elicit from people…[They] are not, in fact, people entitled to the protection of the Geneva Convention. They are not prisoners of war…Those in Europe and other places who are concerned about the treatment of al-Qaida members should come to Camp X-ray and see how the people are, in fact, being treated.”

Was it said by:

A. George Bush in June 2007
B. Dick Cheney in October 2008
C. John Ashcroft in 2003
D. Condoleezza Rice in 2009

The answer is None of the Above.

The quote comes from Eric Holder, our current attorney general, back in 2002. Now Holder is supposed to decide whether or not to depose or indict Bush’s legal advisors. Not that you’ll ever hear him questioned about his pre-Obama views on the evening news.

Do amnesiac Democrats (abetted by their liberal media cheerleaders) really want to keep digging themselves into a “torture” hole over the use of enhanced interrogation techniques that they approved of at the time? Maybe Holder will end up indicting himself along with House Screecher Pelosi.

As columnist Victor Davis Hanson ends a recent column, “If I were the Democratic leadership, I’d move on, so to speak.”


Manipulator-in-Chief reassures 9/11 families, then frees terrorists

Debra Burlingame found out words and actions are two completely different things in the Obama administration.
Debra Burlingame found out words and actions are two completely different things in the Obama administration.
“We’d been had.”

That’s how Debra Burlingame sums up her meeting with the President. She was part of a group of USS Cole and 9/11 victims’ families who went to the White House to discuss Obama’s Guantanamo detainee policies.

“News reports described the meeting as a touching and powerful coming together of the president and these long-suffering families,” Burlingame wrote in the Wall Street Journal. Obama reassured them that jihadists wouldn’t be freed.

But 17 days later, the al Qaeda operative selected by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed for a post-9/11 attack with Jose Padilla was released.

The White House liaison to the families refused to answer questions.

“Given all the developments since our meeting with the president,” Burlingame said, “it is now evident that his words to us bore no relation to his intended actions on national security policy and detainee issues. But the narrative about Mr. Obama’s successful meeting with 9/11 and Cole families has been written, and the press has moved on.”

She concludes with this devastating summation, “The Obama team has established a pattern that should be plain for all to see. When controversy erupts or legitimate policy differences are presented by well-meaning people, send out the celebrity president to flatter and charm.”

Narrow-minded critics might say Obama promised Burlingame one thing, then did the opposite.

But the President prefers to say he gave her hope, then gave her change.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Obama administration wants to turn Gitmo detainees loose in the USA. And pay them welfare.

Call the Welcome Wagon. Abu the friendly <i>former</i> terrorist is coming to a neighborhood near you.
Call the Welcome Wagon. Abu the friendly former terrorist is coming to a neighborhood near you.
National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair held a news conference last week and demonstrated the oxymoronic nature of his title.

Blair admitted the President is considering releasing some of the remaining 240 Gitmo detainees in the United States. Of course, he reassured us this would only happen if they can’t be returned to their home countries, because their governments don’t want them back or because the administration thinks they might be abused or tortured by their governments.

Then Blair dropped the real bombshell. He said the former prisoners would have to be given some sort of assistance to start their brand spankin’ new lives in the US of A. “We can’t put them out on the street,” he said.

Are we the only ones who think this is un-freakin-believable? A couple years ago these guys were living in caves in Afghanistan. They had a long term Caribbean vacation. Now we’re going to bring them to the United States and pay them to live here.

Fine. Bring ‘em over.

But not unless each Democrat who spoke in their defense is willing sponsor one of these maniacs, take him into his home, and help him get started in his new life.

Kind of like Madonna with the Malawi kids.

Source: Weekly Standard

Ex-Gitmo inmates appear in Al-Qaeda video, American nets take notice

Two of the “innocent” terrorists released from Gitmo are now appearing in a chilling jihadist website video.

According to anti-terrorism experts, Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shahri, or prisoner number 372, now holds an executive position with Al-Qaeda in Yemen. Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi, or prisoner number 333, is now an Al-Qaeda field commander.

American network talent scouts, always on the prowl for talent, were quick to note the duo’s charismatic screen presence.

“We’re developing a Hannity & Colmes style show for them,” said an executive with NBC. “We’ll call it ‘al-Shahri & al-Oufi.’”

“We’re planning a Hannity & Colmes style show for them,” said an executive with MSNBC. “We’ll call it ‘Abu & Abu.’”

We’re planning a Hannity & Colmes style show for them,” said an executive with CNN. “We’ll call it ‘372 & 333.’”

Source: Sky News

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