You need proof California Democrat @TedLieu is a moron? Here it is.

You need proof California Democrat @TedLieu is a moron? Here it is. Ted, please tell us how long POTUS is supposed to wait for you dummies to a) get found b) argue about it and c) say no? Remember Ted, a NORK nuclear missile can hit Los Angeles in about 38 minutes. If one does we hope you’re at home. (There is no link to a story, this is our’s)

N. Korea says Trump threat is ‘sound of dog barking’

N. Korea says Trump threat is ‘sound of dog barking.’ We have a better Chinese proverb for little fat Kim. Confucius say ‘better to be barking dog than yelping dog.’

“If he was thinking he could scare us with the sound of a dog barking, that’s really a dog dream,” Ri said, referencing a North Korean proverb that a procession moves even if dogs bark. In Korean, a dog dream is one that is absurd and makes little sense.

What flew right over the Super Bowl stadium last night should TERRIFY you

What flew right over the Super Bowl stadium last night should TERRIFY you. Yes, another NORK rocket launched a NORK satellite what flew right over the Superbowl about 8:26 PM. Obama should thank his lucky stars it didn’t launch an EMP strike and wipe out Silicon Valley. Will his answer be a) golf? b) vacation or c) fundraiser? We’ll have to wait and see.

North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack according to multiple security experts who discredit FBI findings and reveal that a studio insider named ‘Lena’ may be responsible

North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack according to multiple security experts who discredit FBI findings and reveal that a studio insider named ‘Lena’ may be responsible. We wouldn’t be surprised at all if this turns out to be a gigantic publicity stunt.

Calling Jimmy Carter a “useful idiot” would be a waste of one word

Carter has never met an anti-American dictator he didn’t love, but at least we can’t recall him ever bowing to one.

Remember back when Jimmy Carter’s brother Billy was thought of as the family idiot? Feel free to consider those the good ol’ days because Jimmy is proving himself not only to be the worst President in recent history, but the worst ex-President. has the story:

Wrapping up his visit this week to Pyongyang, former President Jimmy Carter says relations between North Korea and South Korea are “currently at rock bottom.” Nonetheless, he said he believes the North is committed to getting talks underway.

Carter was joined on the three-day trip by former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and former Irish President Mary Robinson. . . .

Carter also used his trip to North Korea to observe the country’s food rationing system. That the United States and South Korea have chosen “to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation,” he said.

Yes, Jimmy Carter says the United States is guilty of human rights violations for deliberately withholding food from a nation that intentionally closes itself off from the rest of the world and routinely starves its own citizens.

Carter has never met an anti-American dictator he didn’t love, but at least we can’t recall him ever bowing to one.


Nice timing: 13-year old and moonbat mom campaign for DMZ “Peace Park” on day before Norks begin shelling

The day before North Korea began shelling South Korea, a 13-year old moonbat American and his moonbat mom staged a protest in China’s Tiananmen Square, demanding the establishment of a “Peace Park” in the Korean demilitarized zone.

The day before North Korea began shelling South Korea, a 13-year old moonbat American and his moonbat mom staged a protest in China’s Tiananmen Square, demanding the establishment of a “Peace Park” in the Korean demilitarized zone.

Anyone know how to say “never mind” in Korean?

UKPA has the hilarious details:

A 13-year-old American boy campaigning to turn the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea into a peace park was taken away by Chinese police after staging a brief protest near Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.

Jonathan Lee unfurled a sign saying “Peace treaty” and “Nuclear- free DMZ children’s peace forest” as he stood outside the Forbidden City.

A man believed to be a plain-clothes officer grabbed the teenager’s sign less than a minute later and waved away journalists who had been contacted by the boy’s family ahead of the event.

Jonathan and his mother, from Ridgeland, Mississippi, were then escorted away by police.

Jonathan made a rare visit to Pyongyang in August to propose his idea of a “children’s peace forest” in the demilitarised zone.

If these morons are lucky, the Chinese will put them in a re-education camp where they’ll be assigned the noble task of beating plowshares into intercontinental missiles.

Source: UKPA

Gays in the military: Barbara Boxer compares United States to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan

Oh, how proud California’s voters must be. Barbara Boxer, their recently-reelected United States senator, actually compared the United States to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan because none of those nations allow gays in their military.

Oh, how proud California’s voters must be. Barbara Boxer, their recently-reelected United States senator, actually compared the United States to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan because none of those nations allow gays in their military.

north korean army
Who's kidding who? If there are no gays in the North Korean army, why do they look so much like the Rockettes?

CNS News has the details:

Boxer likened the U.S.A. to the Communist regime in North Korea, the Islamic regime in Iran and the Pakistani government at a press conference in which she called for repealing the ban on homosexuals in the military during the lameduck session of Congress, which is taking place now before the new members elected on Nov. 2 can arrive in Washington, D.C. and replace the members who are retiring or who were defeated.

“We now stand with this rule with countries like Iran, North Korea and Pakistan in banning gays and lesbians from military service,” said Boxer. “Our brave young men and women fight alongside allies like Australia, the United Kingdom and others who allow gays and lesbians to serve openly. Let’s not stand with Pakistan and with North Korea and Iran.”

Barbara, honey, you seem to forget that being gay is a crime punishable by death in Iran and Pakistan. And just being a citizen of North Korea seems to be a crime punishable by death.

We have a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. They have a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Breathe” policy.

Source: CNS News

South Korea develops killer robot to patrol North Korean border

Two robots with surveillance, tracking, firing and voice recognition systems were integrated into a single unit, by South Korea to patrol the North Korean border.

Not just any old robots, mind you, but South Korean killer robots.

The Telegraph UK has the robotic report:

south korea border robot
Bang! You're dead! South Korea's new high tech robot is reportedly based on an earlier American design.

Two robots with surveillance, tracking, firing and voice recognition systems were integrated into a single unit, a defence ministry spokesman said.

The 400 million won (£220,000) unit was installed last month at a guard post in the central section of the Demilitarised Zone which bisects the peninsula, Yonhap news agency said.

It quoted an unidentified military official as saying the ministry would deploy sentry robots along the world’s last Cold War frontier if the test was successful.

The robot uses heat and motion detectors to sense possible threats, and alerts command centres, Yonhap said.

If the command centre operator cannot identify possible intruders through the robot’s audio or video communications system, the operator can order it to fire its gun or 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

We’re picturing an army of these robots patrolling the Mexican border. Our version will kill jackrabbits for fuel so it can operate indefinitely. And it will have a voice chip that allows it to say, “¡Alto! Inmigración y Naturalización!

Source: Telegraph UK

Earth Hour 2010. Think of it as your chance to party like a North Korean

Earth Hour is Saturday night, March 27 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. It’s an event we traditionally celebrate by turning on every light in the house, firing up the flat screen TV, and burning every kilowatt possible.

Think of South Korea as the vibrant, electricity-filled life you have now. Think of North Korea as the dark, cold life environmentalists dream of.

Earth Hour is Saturday night, March 27 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. It’s an event we traditionally celebrate by turning on every light in the house, firing up the flat screen TV, and burning every kilowatt possible.

But the eco-wackos of the world celebrate by turning off all their lights, singing Kumbaya and huddling together for warmth. In other words, it’s like a typical night in North Korea. And that’s the future environmentalists see for you.

The Melbourne Herald-Sun points out the stupidity of it all:

The land where the lights are permanently out, as the famous satellite photograph shows of the stunning difference between the northern and southern ends of the Korean peninsula….

Nothing better captures the utter inanity of the cult of global warming and its characterisation of carbon dioxide as an even greater Satan than George W. Bush’s America than Earth Hour. Insufferably smarmy, quite pointless, contradictory, utterly inchoate.

Although I have to concede a certain bizarre honesty in the way the concept projects – a tacit admission that the anti-CO2 crusade actually does seek to literally turn off the lights…. Earth Hour seems to project that looking – literally – like North Korea is not only a good thing but where the aggressive campaign against CO2 will end up.

No, no, no, comes back the response. In the post-carbon future, alternative energy will provide all the light we want.

So if we can, if we supposedly will, look like today’s South Korea in that glorious future, why not celebrate turning on the lights?

Unbeknownst the Willie Nelson, he penned the eco-wackos’ anthem: “Turn out the lights, the party’s over.”

We say, “Turn on the lights, the party’s just getting started.” And we invite you to join us, friends, in noting Earth Hour with a celebration of the wonders of electricity.

Source: Andrew Bolt

Sacré bleu! Sarkozy tells Obama how to say “testosterone” in French

What does it say when the President of France has more testosterone than the American President of the United States? As the WSJ described the surreal scene at the UN, “At least the French President tried to sound tough, which isn’t hard when you stand next to Mr. Obama.”

You know you have a problem when the President of France is tougher than the President of the United States.
You know you have a problem when the President of France is tougher than the President of the United States.

What does it say when the President of France has more testosterone than the American President of the United States?

As the WSJ described the surreal scene at the UN, “At least the French President tried to sound tough, which isn’t hard when you stand next to Mr. Obama.” (Ouch!) After Obama used most of his United Nations speech to blather on about climate change and “a world without nuclear weapons,” Sarkozy brought him back to the real world.

Obama said, “We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth.”

“We live in the real world, not the virtual world,” Sarkozy responded. “And the real world expects us to make decisions.”

Sarkozy continued to school Obama with more teachable moments:

“President Obama dreams of a world without weapons … but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite.

“Iran since 2005 has flouted five security council resolutions. North Korea has been defying council resolutions since 1993.

“I support the extended hand of the Americans, but what good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community? More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe a UN member state off the map,” he continued, referring to Israel.

Talk about timing: Just as Obama wants to unilaterally lay down his nuclear arms, another inconvenient truth crops up in the form of a second Iranian nuclear facility. Seems like the last time Obama talked about disarming, the North Koreans tested another missile. Not that it fazed Obama.

Needless to say, we were shocked—shocked!—that Sarkozy’s mocking response to Obama’s utopian UN speechifying went unreported in U.S. newspapers.

Is it any wonder that newspapers continue to lose readers when they won’t even print news?


The Laura Ling and Euna Lee story no one really talks about

For anyone who gave the details of Bill Clinton’s North Korean “rescue” the slightest thought, the veracity of it is called into question by obvious PR spin surrounding it.

The Daily Mail UK reveals details about Euna Lee and Laura Ling that make them seem much less sympathetic
The Daily Mail UK reveals details about Euna Lee and Laura Ling that make them seem much less sympathetic

You’ve undoubtedly read all about (a) the horrible ordeal suffered by American reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee at the hands of the North Koreans and (b) how they were “rescued” by Bill Clinton, the daring former president.

For anyone who gave the details of this story the slightest thought, the veracity of (a) is called into question by obvious PR spin surrounding (b).

Here’s a perspective you’ve probably never seen, as reported by the UK Daily Mail:

But who are these two fresh-faced women? What were they doing in North Korea, undoubtedly one of the most dangerous and repressed places in the world, and how on earth did they get themselves into what a friend jauntily described on one website as ‘a bit of a disastrous pickle’?

… they were hopelessly ill-prepared for their ‘mission’ to the Chinese-Korean border, that they were working for a minor television organisation run by a former ambulance-chasing lawyer…

Laura, 32, describes herself as a ‘Chinese American’, but a friend said: ‘She was brought up as a true Valley girl [an upper middle-class girl]. She’s about as Chinese as the cuisine at Chin Chin [a popular Californian-Chinese restaurant chain].’

Laura is said to be the duo’s ‘driving force’. Euna, 36, who had little journalism experience and counted making a yoga video as a career highlight, was her devoted lackey, who reportedly held the video camera as Laura ‘danced around’ on the North Korean side of the border.

For Euna, who was born in South Korea but moved to California when she was a university student, it was her first overseas assignment. The trip was Laura’s second ‘dangerous’ foreign job for Current, a Left-wing cable television network based in San Francisco that rather grandly aspires to ‘democratise’ the news.

The two women were sent to China in March to do a report about North Korean refugees pouring over the border. A source familiar with Current said: ‘It was the sort of bleeding-hearts liberal story that would play well to their target market. But then Laura decided to take it a step further.’


‘Laura is sweet but not very street-smart,’ said (a long-time Democratic Party insider). ‘She was sent to China to make a routine programme about refugees crossing the border from North Korea but, according to Kim Jong Il’s people, she was walking across the border and leaping about.

‘The official North Korean report said Euna was holding the camera. Of course, there was speculation they were working for the CIA. Forget that. This has been a farce. It couldn’t be more embarrassing for Obama and the agency. No one hired these girls. No one in Washington had ever heard about them until they were captured by the North Koreans.

‘From everything I have heard about Laura, she is a Valley girl who wanted to play in the big league. I think she did this as a stunt to compete with her sister. Lisa Ling works with people like Oprah. Laura earns peanuts at a network no one has heard of. This was her big chance.’

On March 17, Laura and Euna were arrested by North Korean soldiers after they ignored orders to stop filming. Then they vanished into the maw of the most isolated nation on Earth.


In fact, their ‘ordeal’ appears to have been far from tough. According to Professor Han Park, an American academic who was visiting North Korea at the time, they were housed in a guest villa designed for foreign visitors outside the capital of Pyongyang.

Professor Park said that Korean officials laughed at any suggestion that the women were receiving harsh treatment. ‘We are not Guantanamo,’ he was told.


Indeed, (Ling’s) worst complaint was that her rice tasted like ‘rocks’.

The Clinton confidant said: ‘The women were a prize. Most people in North Korea would be lucky to be treated the way those girls were.’

Call us cold-hearted, but after reading the Daily Mail piece in full, we have a lot less sympathy for Ling and Lee.

They caused their own problem by crossing the border illegally and “leaping about” for the camera. They were held for 140 days in the relative luxury of a guest villa normally reserved for foreign visitors. And they received treatment that would have made them the envy of the average North Korean.

Fact is, contestants on Survivor endure greater hardships than those faced by the American reporters. But like the winners of Survivor, Ling and Lee are already lining up book and TV deals that will pay them millions.

Only in America. And North Korea.

Source: Daily Mail

North Korea: Bill Clinton welcome, Al Gore not so welcome

The UK Daily Mail’s story of the “rescue” of the two American reporters was a terrific piece of reporting that swept away all the PR spin. It’s packed with fascinating little nuggets.

Poor Gore. Even pot-bellied, little tinhorn dictators aren't buying his act.
Poor Gore. Even pot-bellied, little tinhorn dictators aren't buying his act.

The UK Daily Mail’s story of the “rescue” of the two American reporters was a terrific piece of reporting that swept away all the PR spin. It’s packed with fascinating little nuggets. For example:

For Bill Clinton, it was an easy mission. In a phone call to her husband a month ago, Laura (Ling) said that if Clinton turned up, she and Euna (Lee) would be granted amnesty.

The Clinton insider said: ‘Obama’s people suggested sending Al Gore, but Kim Jong Il only wanted Bill.

They didn’t want Al Gore. Proof that Americans and North Koreans, people from two very different cultures, have a lot in common.

Source: Daily Mail

The real story of Slick Willy’s excellent adventure
in Pyongyang

London Daily Mail that reveals details about the so-called Bill Clinotn “rescue” of reporters imprisoned in North Korea that have been conspicuously absent in the American media.

"Just me and two hot Asian chicks," the former President mused, "alone in an airplane for fifteen hours."
"Just me and two hot Asian chicks," the former President mused, "alone in an airplane for fifteen hours."

Last week was like old times for the American media. According to the template, former President Bill Clinton flew into enemy territory and used the power of his charm to free two innocent American journalists who had been unlawfully arrested by the evil North Koreans.

Unfortunately, none of it is true.

Luckily, Sunday’s London Daily Mail that reveals details about the so-called “rescue” that have been conspicuously absent in the American media:

…Bill Clinton has found it increasingly hard to reconcile himself to life on the sidelines. When asked to undertake a ‘sensitive’ mission to ‘rescue’ the pair, he jumped at the chance.

He was picked up at an airport near his home in the bucolic New York suburb of Chappaqua by a private jet laid on by the Dow Chemical company. It flew him 3,000 miles to Burbank, California, where he boarded a Boeing 737 provided by Steve Bing, one of his best friends and a generous contributor to the Clinton Foundation, the charity with which he has been occupying his post-Presidential years.
Continue reading “The real story of Slick Willy’s excellent adventure
in Pyongyang”

Sneak preview of new Hollywood thriller called “President Humpy Saves the World”

Here’s Kimmel’s concept of how Hollywood might handle its version of the “President-Clinton-rescues-two-reporters” story.

Jimmy Kimmel gets less hype than Conan O’Brien and David Letterman, but night-in and night-out, he’s by far the funniest of the three late night hosts.

Here’s Kimmel’s concept of how Hollywood might handle its version of the “President-Clinton-rescues-two-reporters” story.

Thanks, Jimmy. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

(Actually, we couldn’t have said it nearly as well, but by saying “we couldn’t have said it better” we subconsciously elevate ourselves to Kimmel’s level in your mind. At least that’s our theory. How’s it working?)

Clinton’s “triumphant” return from North Korea staged by Hollywood PR firm

Bill Clinton’s “triumphant” return from North Korea with two U.S. journalists was staged by a celebrity public-relations firm and bankrolled by entertainment mogul Steve Bing.

Bill Clinton’s “triumphant” return from North Korea with two U.S. journalists was staged by a celebrity public-relations firm.

Clinton’s mission to return Laura Ling and Euna Lee was bankrolled by entertainment mogul Steve Bing. The Hollywood gazillionaire donated his private Boeing 737 and then chipped in another $200,000 in fuel and other costs.
Continue reading “Clinton’s “triumphant” return from North Korea staged by Hollywood PR firm”

Maybe the North Koreans aren’t so crazy after all

North Korea: “We cannot but regard Mrs. Clinton as a funny lady as she likes to utter such rhetoric, unaware of the elementary etiquette in the international community. Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping.”

Kim Jong-Il, dictator of North Korea and master of diplomatic insults
Kim Jong-Il, dictator of North Korea and master of diplomatic insults

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a speech in which she made some very harsh comments about the North Korean government. On Thursday, the North Korean Foreign Ministry responded by issuing a statement about Clinton. It demonstrated a wisdom rarely seen in diplomatic circles.

“We cannot but regard Mrs. Clinton as a funny lady as she likes to utter such rhetoric, unaware of the elementary etiquette in the international community. Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping.”

We are now reassessing our previous harsh criticism of the Pyongyang government.


Defense Secretary Robert Gates thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction

Gates’ reaction to reports that North Korea may launch a missile in the direction of Hawaii? “We’re obviously watching the situation in the north, with respect to missile launches, very closely,” Gates said.

No, not that west. The other west.
No, not that west. The other west.

He’s not talking philosophically nor economically nor politically. He’s actually talking directionally.

Gates’ reaction to reports that North Korea may launch a missile in the direction of Hawaii?

“We’re obviously watching the situation in the north, with respect to missile launches, very closely,” Gates said. “And we do have some concerns, if they were to launch a missile to the west, in the direction of Hawaii.”

And when they’re done with that test, they may just fire one north toward South Korea.

Obama to Kim Jong-Il: “Pretty please with sugar on it”

The Obama administration will order the Navy to hail and request permission to inspect North Korean ships at sea suspected of carrying arms or nuclear technology, but will not board them by force.

Kim Jong-Il tries to stifle a laugh as he hears President Obama's latest tough talk
Kim Jong-Il tries to stifle a laugh as he hears President Obama's latest tough talk

Watch out, Kim Jong-Il. President Obama’s on the warpath. Well, it’s not so much the “warpath” as it is the “talk-really-nice-and-dictators-will-do-what-you-want path.”

It’s been reported that he’s ordered the American Navy to ask real nicely if we can inspect the cargo on North Korea’s ships.

Here’s how the New York Times reports it: “The Obama administration will order the Navy to hail and request permission to inspect North Korean ships at sea suspected of carrying arms or nuclear technology, but will not board them by force, senior administration officials said Monday.”

“Well, sure, Imperialist Yankee Dogs. Come aboard and take a look. And while you’re here, let’s have a little kim chee.”

We suspect that this will work out about as well as Obama’s fist bump with Hugo Chavez and his pretty letter to Mahmoud Achmadinejad.

Maybe there is something to this reincarnation stuff. Because it sure looks like Barack Obama was Neville Chamberlain in a previous life.

Source: New York Times via

Yoko Ono threatens nuclear war with South Korea

Things are getting so tense on the Korean Peninsula that Yoko Ono has threatened to go nuclear.

Kim Jong-Il
What did South Korea do to piss off Yoko Ono so badly?

Things are getting so tense on the Korean Peninsula that Yoko Ono has threatened to go nuclear.

According to the Associated Press, “North Korea’s communist regime has warned of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula while vowing to step up its atomic bomb-making program in defiance of new U.N. sanctions.”

“The North’s defiance presents a growing diplomatic headache for President Barack Obama as he prepares for talks Tuesday with his South Korean counterpart on the North’s missile and nuclear programs.”

Update: We’ve just been informed that the photo attached to this article is actually of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, not Yoko Ono. Our deepest apologies to Kim. No one should be mistaken for Yoko Ono.

Soure: Associated Press

Uh-oh. Reporter asks President tough question about Korea and Iran

The Scene: A joint press conference with French President Sarkozy.

The Reporter’s Question: “Iran and North Korea. What has the current policy – which is largely the same as ones of recent years – produced other than given time to North Korea and Iran to advance their nuclear ambitions?”

The President’s Answer: Almost three minutes of stuttering and stammering and reviewing the past in the most vague of terms in hopes that everyone would simply forget what the question was.

The Result: We’re not sure. We forgot the question.

H/T: HotAir

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