Trump Media Detractors Ignoring Democrat Promoter of Pershing Pig Story

Trump Media Detractors Ignoring Democrat Promoter of Pershing Pig Story. Where were the fake news whiners when Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham (D-Fla) cited the same story last week? Oh yeah, he’s a Democrat so they buried their heads in the sand.

“In one instance, Graham explained in an interview, U.S. soldiers captured 12 Muslims. They killed six of them with ‘bullets dipped into the fat of pigs.’

“After that, Graham said, the U.S. soldiers wrapped the Muslim rebels in funeral shrouds made of pigskin and ‘buried them face down so they could not see Mecca. Then they poured the entrails of the pigs over them. The other six were forced to watch. And that was the end of the insurrection on Mindanao,’ Graham noted.”

Author: CO2Insanity

Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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