Welcome to the happiest place in America: San Luis Obispo, California

San Luis Obispo, California is the intergalactic headquarters of IHateTheMedia.com. It has also been named Happiest Place In America. We think those two facts are unrelated, but we wouldn’t swear to it in court.

San Luis Obispo Happiest Place
San Luis Obispo Happiest Place
Move over Disneyland, the IHTM headquarters of San Luis Obispo is now the happiest place on earth.

This isn’t the kind of story we usually run, but we couldn’t resist.

San Luis Obispo, California is the intergalactic headquarters of IHateTheMedia.com. It has also been named Happiest Place In America. We think those two facts are unrelated, but we wouldn’t swear to it in court.

Everything they say in this video is true, but understated. We think our town is not just the best town in the United States, but in the world.

IHateTheMedia.com’s Editor and Administrator met in San Luis Obispo. They moved their families here to get away from the horror that Southern California had become.

We both visited SLO Town many times before making our big moves. We talked to everyone we met and noticed that they all sounded as if they worked for the Chamber of Commerce. The more we visited, the more we understood why.

It’s interesting that Dominique Dawes interviewed the owner of Big Sky Café for this story, because that’s the first place The Editor and Mrs. Editor ate the first time they visited San Luis Obispo. Not a bad place to start.

Just one thing: As much as we enjoyed this video, it would have been improved immeasurably if Dominique Dawes had done it while wearing her little gymnastic leotards. Hubba hubba, Dominique.

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