Eco-fascist offers free tattoos to those with dangerous beliefs. No word on complimentary haircuts or showers just yet.

Columnist Richard Glover says it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.


For some time now it has been the standard operating procedure for some on the left to equate “climate-change deniers” to Holocaust deniers. We’re not sure whose clever idea this was. We are sure that it really wasn’t all that clever.

As is often the case with the progressives this rhetoric could only exist for so long before it was no longer progressive enough. Now, it seems, there is at least one guy willing to ditch the talk of Holocaust deniers and fantasize about incorporating the tactics of the very guys that brought that particular horror about.

Global warming Nazis are on the march

Australian Broadcaster and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Richard Glover explains:

Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. Not necessarily on the forehead; I’m a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ”Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?”

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness? Or what about their signed agreement to stand, in the year 2040, lashed to a pole at a certain point in the shallows off Manly? If they are right and the world is cooling – ”climate change stopped in the year 1998” is one of their more boneheaded beliefs – their mouths will be above water. If not …

Achtung non-believer.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

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