Wimpy Americans: interrogators accused of torturing terrorist “with an insect”

If the caterpillar torture technique didn't work, inhumane American interrogators were prepared to move on to the dreaded ladybug torture.
If the caterpillar torture technique didn't work, inhumane American interrogators were prepared to move on to the dreaded ladybug torture.

Remember how the media was so upset about the infamous “panties on the head” torture technique employed at Abu Ghraib? Well, now ABC News has it collective (and collectivist) panties in a wad about a completely different, but equally wimpy torture technique.

“Tonight, secret memos,” ABC News’ Charles Gibson intoned, “new documents reveal in vivid detail just how far the Bush administration went in interrogating terror suspects, using insects, confinement boxes, water-boards and more.”

“Even some congressional officials who had the highest security clearances were surprised by some of the details today,” George Stephanopoulos added, “especially that detail about the fact that (Abu) Zubayda was tortured with an insect in a confinement box.”

Ahhh, but ABC left out one important detail.

“In the case of al-Qaeda figure Abu Zubaydah, who feared insects,” Pete Williams noted on NBC News, “interrogators were given permission to put a harmless one like a caterpillar in a box in which he was confined, but that technique was never used.”

Ironic, isn’t it, that vermin should be afraid of insects.

Source: ABC and NBC via NewsBusters

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