President Obama’s top 25 euphemisms for war

Is whatever we’re doing in Libya a war? Everyone in the Obama administration answers that question with an emphatic no. But if it’s not a war, what the hell is it?


Is whatever we’re doing in Libya a war? Everyone in the Obama administration answers that question with an emphatic no. But if it’s not a war, what the hell is it?

In a briefing on board Air Force One Wednesday, deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes took a crack at an answer. “I think what we are doing is enforcing a resolution that has a very clear set of goals, which is protecting the Libyan people, averting a humanitarian crisis, and setting up a no-fly zone,” Rhodes said. “Obviously that involves kinetic military action, particularly on the front end.”

At some point, President Obama will need to ask Congress for a Declaration of Community Disorganizing

C’mon, President Obama. Surely the best and the brightest in your administration do better than “kinetic military action.”

But just in case you can’t, please allow us. Here are President Obama’s Top 25 Euphemisms For War:

  1. Potential Peace Between Two Potentially Friendly Nations
  2. Teachable Moments
  3. Stimulating Production of Vital National Industries Through Organised Disposal of Acquired Defense Surplus
  4. Community Disorganizing
  5. Nation Building for al Qaeda
  6. Freedom Inaction
  7. Passive Restraint Through Blowing Shit Up
  8. Military Hardware Environmental Recycling Effort
  9. Active Ordinance Reduction
  10. Passive Aggressive Corrective Measures With Emphasis on Aggressive
  11. Yes We Can … Kill You
  12. Hope. Then Duck and Cover.
  13. Nobel Peace Prize Victory Lap
  14. Anti-Nonconfrontational Humilitarian Operations
  15. Ground-based Fireworks Display
  16. Foreign Explosive Technology Exchange
  17. Soul Liberating Aid Mission
  18. Military Surplus Distribution Program
  19. Instantaneous Population Control
  20. Decapitate and Trade
  21. Systematic Active Population Control
  22. Post-Natal Pro-Choice Movement
  23. Beating Our Plowshares Into Cruise Missiles
  24. Shock and Aw, Crap
  25. Bush’s Fault

Source: Fox News

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