Top 10 theories about what caused that horrible smell at the U.N.

What was that horrible smell at the U.N. this week? Whatever it was it closed down the U.N.’s New York headquarters today and — for a few hours at least — minimized the damage the organization was likely to cause had it stayed open.


What was that horrible smell at the U.N. last week? Whatever it was it closed down the U.N.’s New York headquarters and — for a few hours at least — minimized the damage the organization was likely to cause had it stayed open.

Reuters reports offensive olfactory ooziness:

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The U.N. Security Council and General Assembly were evacuated on Tuesday due to a “suspicious odor,” a U.N. spokesman said.

… Spokesman Farhan Haq said the evacuation was a precautionary measure. “We are currently trying to identify the odor with local authorities,” he said.

Both the Security Council and the General Assembly had scheduled meetings on Tuesday, which were delayed by the evacuation.

Late reports say it may have been a broken sewer main, but we have ten other theories about the source of the odor:

  1. No big deal. It was the same stench of corruption always found at the U.N.
  2. Lingering odor left behind by Muammar Gaddafi’s camel
  3. After marathon BS session members of the UN Security Council discover that their shit does, in fact, stink.
  4. You know what they say about who “smelt it.”
  5. Sniff, sniff. Smells like another $2 billion being pissed away.
  6. Hugo Chavez said the smell is either the remnants of George W. Bush’s fiery rhetoric or a burrito he had last night at Chipotle.
  7. Badges? Kofi Annan don’t need to stinkin’ badges.
  8. The entire General Assembly was supposed to be hypnotized by secret agents into believing they were “Smart Fellers,” but the translators screwed up.
  9. Due to a translation problem, the Secretion Council held its meeting in the wrong room.
  10. In a totally unrelated story, Rosie O’Donnell had Mexican room service just two blocks away.

Source: Reuters

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