Barack Obama, bravely putting the “I” in CIA

Our modest, self-effacing President went to CIA headquarters on Friday to praise the organization for its work in the bin Laden raid.

barack obama cia

Our modest, self-effacing President went to CIA headquarters on Friday to praise the organization for its work in the bin Laden raid.

Listening to his speech, one might have come away with the mistaken impression that he had personally analyzed the data, flown the helicopter into Bin Laden’s compound, lead the SEAL team into the house, and personally shot the man.

While supposedly praising others, he said the word “I” 35 times.

For example: “I have never been more proud or more confident in you than I am today — not just because this extraordinary success, but because it reminds us of who we are as a people and as a nation. You reminded us that when we Americans set our mind to something, when we are focused and when we are working together, when we’re not worried about who’s getting the credit and when we stay true to our values, even if it takes years, there is nothing we cannot do.”

For a guy who’s not worried about who gets the credit, he sure seems interested in who gets the credit.

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