Kossacks elated at Murdoch woes and a “world without Fox News”

Vyan at Daily Kos is getting giddy in a post headlined “Could we soon see a world without Fox News?”


There used to be a saying. “If you can’t beat them join them and change them from within.” While the President appears to be utilizing that tactic from the White House, the Kos Kooks are looking to employ a rather different technique in their plan for media monopoly.

That tactic can be summed up thusly: If you can’t beat them, hope they go to jail, or at least out of business.

Daily Kos readers are angry, yipping little creatures

Newsbusters busts a moves all over this story:

Vyan at Daily Kos is getting giddy in a post headlined “Could we soon see a world without Fox News?” It’s apparently all over for FNC: “In less than a week the News of the World Wiretapping and Bribery Scandal has quickly metastasized into a Multi-Headed Dragon of Death for Murdoch Empire and simply lopping off one head, doesn’t seem to be enough – the infection has already spread.”

Now that Fox-hating liberal interest groups, bloggers, and Democrat politicians are vowing to investigate, the Kosmonauts think Murdoch’s “criminal enterprise” is about to collapse…

Of course we all understand the left’s hatred of Fox. It’s hard to control the people when you no longer control all of the people’s information. But maybe this could be a good thing, because Fox has been getting a bit RINO over the years. Perhaps its time for them to be replaced by a truly conservative news network.

IHTM-TV anyone?

– Written by Kip Hooker at TheVitaminPress.com

Source: Fox News

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