Uh-oh. March is Maddow’s lowest-rated month ever.

maddow_chart The good news for Rachel Maddow is that her show is up 98% in total viewers and 70% in the 24-54 age demographic compared to the invisibly low ratings of Dan Abrams, her predecessor in the time slot.

MediaBistro said, “Maddow was an instant hit and is currently the network’s second-highest rated show.”

The bad news is that you don’t have to be an expert statistician to figure out the trend of this chart. March was Maddow’s sixth month on MSNBC and also her lowest-rated. Her viewership has plunged a remarkable 40% in six months.

At the rate she’s going, Maddow’s last viewer will switch to another station on January 1, 2010. Put it on your calendar. The beer’s on us.

Source: MediaBistro.com

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