10 More Golf Tips Obama Can Take From Tiger

In a case of remarkably bad timing, the cover story on this month’s Golf Digest is “10 Tips Obama Can Take From Tiger.” Turns out, though, that Tiger actually had 20 tips for the President, but space constraints forced Golf Digest to print just ten of them. Luckily, we have uncovered the tips that didn’t make the cut

golf-digest-tiger-obama In a case of remarkably bad timing, the cover story on this month’s Golf Digest is “10 Tips Obama Can Take From Tiger.”

Turns out, though, that Tiger actually had 20 tips for the President, but space constraints forced Golf Digest to print just ten of them.

Luckily, the Woodward & Bernstein-like investigative reporters at IHateTheMedia.com have uncovered the tips that didn’t make the cut:

10. If you’ve played the wrong hole, just take the penalty and move on.

9. Never let a stranger touch your putter.

8. Never switch holes in the middle of a round.

7. If it’s out-of-bounds, even if it looks like you could hit it, it’s out-of-bounds.

6. Remember that playing the wrong hole is loss of hole in match play.

5. A stiff shaft and a big head are no guarantee your balls will go straight.

4. In fact, the bigger the head, the greater the odds your balls will go astray.

3. The grass is always greener over there on that other course you’ve always wanted to play.

2. Trading your old bag for a new bag can really mess up your game.

1. Hey, Michelle is hot. What’s she doing Saturday morning at, say, 7:18?

– Written by Scott Montgomery

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