How long until you start following the latest Obama fashion trend?

The One grew one. What about you?
The One grew one. What about you?

When President Obama made his speech in Cairo last week, people noticed something new, something now, something oh-so-Obama.

We’re referring to the wispy, but stylish ‘stache gracing his upper lip. Admittedly, it wasn’t the manliest mustache and it would have been more at home on a 15-year old boy.

Nevertheless, a new wispy mustache craze is sweeping Washington, DC. Everyone wants one because everyone wants to be just like the Greatest President In History. The literati, the glitterati, the cognoscenti. What about you?

It won’t be long before you’re no one without one.

As you can see, the trend is spreading faster than Swine Flu and it’s a lot less deadly.

Joe Biden mustache

Joe Biden

Next time Joe Biden puts his foot in his mouth, it will just call attention to the brand new Obama on his upper lip.

John Edwards with mustashe

John Edwards

John Edwards needed a new image. Who could resist voting for a guy sporting a suave ‘stache like this?

Chris Matthews with mustache

Chris Matthews

Now Chris Matthews not only gets a thrill up his leg, but up his lip thanks to his new ‘Bama ‘Stache.

Keith Olbermann with mustache

Keith Olbermann

Olbermann has worn a thick natural moustache in the past. He thins this one so he can be just like President Obama.

Brian Williams with mustache

Brian Williams

NBC’s non-partisan Brian Williams makes sure that ‘Bama ‘Stache is trimmed evenly on the left and the right.

Bob Schieffer with mustache

Bob Schieffer

A ‘Bama ‘Stache and a little Grecian Formula is all it takes to keep Bob Schieffer looking young and virile.


Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a big believer in equal rights. Not to mention equal lips.

Katie Couric with mustache

Katie Couric

Thanks to her new ‘Bama ‘Stache, it’s almost impossible to tell The One from The Perky One.

Rachel Maddow with mustache

Rachel Maddow

Poor Rachel Maddow. Her new ‘Bama ‘Stache makes her look more like Sean Penn than President Obama.

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