Calling the left crazy a year ago makes us look sane now

Don’t look for the Huffington Post to recycle last year’s column about Obama the “strategist” as one of its great journalistic efforts of the decade.

ahmadinejad huffington post
Toying with its prey: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been the cat, Barack Obama has been the mouse.

Don’t look for the Huffington Post to recycle its column about Obama the “strategist” as one of its great journalistic efforts of the decade.

At about this time last year we lambasted a HuffPo article about The Greatest Strategist Ever’s dealings with Iran.

The HuffPo article, hilariously entitled “Outmaneuvering Iran”, contained a lot of material that didn’t make it into our original story. Not because of space, but quite frankly, because we grew weary of reading HuffPo.

Regardless, here are some of the leftist pearls of wisdom that missed our first cut:

“Obama is now well positioned to unite world leaders in a long-term strategy to back Iran away from nuclear weapons. While some nations mistrusted the previous administration–fearing a repeat of the Iraq War–they have more confidence in Obama. They don’t believe he will use military force, except as a last resort.”

And then there was this little gem:

“Meanwhile, Obama’s missile defense decision–a move that puts more military assets in position more quickly against the Iranian missiles–not only increases the pressure on Iran but allows Russia to move closer to the U.S. position without appearing to be buckling to America.”

Yes, all this has obviously worked out so very well. We’re only surprised that Obama doesn’t have the U.S. help Iran load fuel rods into its reactors just to show them that we knew that they knew that we knew they knew. Or something like that.

We may not be Jean Dixon here, but give us credit on calling it a year ago. The left was crazy then. And it’s even crazier now.

Source: Huffington Post

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