So Barack Obama’s in a boat with Tom Daschle and Tim Geithner…

OK, so maybe that wasn’t the joke, but after two long years the late night comedians have finally discovered comedy gold in Barack Obama. At least one of them has.

On Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, Jon Stewart devoted an entire monologue to jokes about Barack Obama. Joke after joke after joke.

Believe it or not, Jay Leno also cracked his first Obama joke. That puts him one ahead of David Letterman, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, Craig Ferguson and Steven Colbert.

Obama jokes have been non-existent on late night TV. The man was considered untouchable. In part because the late night hosts agree with his leftwing policies. In part because they feared accusations of racism.

If these guys want really big laughs, we suggest just walk out on stage, look at the audience and say, “Joe Biden.”

We started laughing as we typed it.

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