Barbara Boxer working hard to prove to California voters that she’s just as stupid as people say

Barbara “Dumb As A Box of Rocks” Boxer actually stood up before the television cameras and asked the following question:…For community banks to lend, can you do that by executive order, because my understanding is that you can use some of the TARP funds that were paid back or use those funds that have not been used. Can you use that to get this going by executive order or do you need us to put that program into a jobs bill.

Barbara “Dumb As A Box of Rocks” Boxer actually stood up before the television cameras and asked the following question:

“I want to ask you about small business. We all know they’re the job creators. 64% of new jobs over the last 15 years came from small business. Your new proposal, which does mirror a couple of people…I look at a …Senator Merkley, I know, Senator Warner and others, we’ve worked hard on this. For community banks to lend, can you do that by executive order, because my understanding is that you can use some of the TARP funds that were paid back or use those funds that have not been used. Can you use that to get this going by executive order or do you need us to put that program into a jobs bill. And second are you using your influence as much as you can to get the big banks to lend? They’ve dropped lending by $12 billion over the last year. So I wonder if you can give us an update on that?”

Translation: Where do I sign up to abdicate my constitutionally-mandated powers to the executive branch.

What are the odds that California voters will do the right thing in November?

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