Ten more funny tweets from Fred Thompson

We’ve said this before and we’ll undoubtedly say it again: Fred Thompson is one funny man. If he’d been half this funny on the campaign trail, he might be president now.

Fred Thompson

We’ve said this before and we’ll undoubtedly say it again: Fred Thompson is one funny man. If he’d been half this funny on the campaign trail, he might be president now.

Day in and day out, he posts the best political tweets on the planet. Like these:

Fred Thompson
Fred 'Tweet' Thompson demonstrates his character in 140-characters or less

Obama fan throws book at President during PA rally. Obama ignored it. Must’ve thought it was copy of the Constitution #ftrs #tcot

Gallup poll: most people describe govt as “too big”. Obama plans to address problem by accusing Gallup of taking foreign money. #ftrs #tcot

Time Mag: WH “in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant & clueless”. Wow! That’s pretty harsh! Also, forgot “irresponsible”. #ftrs #tcot

Obama to MD supporters: “don’t make me look bad”. Mr. President, you beat them to it. #ftrs #tcot

Administration announces deporting record 392,000 illegals. Sounds impressive, but it was just the same guy 392,000 times. #ftrs #tcot

Woodward: 2012 Obama-Clinton ticket “on the table” Oh come on… does anyone actually believe Obama would make a good VP? #ftrs #tcot

Biden:will “strangle” next Republican to talk about balanced budget. Empty threat. He’d have to stop strangling economy to do it #ftrs #tcot

Fmr President Carter said his approval in 1978 was 66%. Actually 49%. Well, there WAS a lot of inflation while he was in office. #ftrs #tcot

In WI, firemen rescued 17 people trapped on Ferris wheel. Actually not trapped, just hiding until Russ Feingold speech ended. #ftrs #tcot

Source: Twitter.com/fredthompson

Visit our previous story of 10 other funny Fred Thompson tweets.

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