Joy Behar sees racism in “Black Friday.” Can “White Christmas” be far behind?

We’re not sure what’s worse about this video clip. Was it Joy Behar questioning the hidden racist meaning in the term “Black Friday” or Whoppi Goldberg revealing that she was “going commando”?

We’re not sure what’s worse about this video clip. Was it Joy Behar questioning the hidden racist meaning in the term “Black Friday” or Whoppi Goldberg revealing that she was “going commando”?

Here. Read the dialogue while we recover from that thought.

Goldberg: Oh, hello and welcome to ‘The View.’ Today is Black Friday, all day long. And I’m going to stay black all day because of it. 

Behar: Isn’t it a little racist to call it Black Friday? 

Goldberg: Well, I would have called it African American Friday, but that’s taking something away from it.

Behar: But there’s a negative connotation to it? Or does it mean something else?

Goldberg: No, it’s like when you make all the money – you’re in the black. 

Behar: So it’s positive? 

Goldberg: Yeah. It’s in the black, so it’s a huge great thing. 

Behar: A lot of times, like blackmail is negative, black sheep.

Goldberg: Black people. 

Behar: No, not black people. 

Goldberg: But it used to be, it used to be.

Believe it or not, that was the intellectual part of the conversation. It degenerated from there. Rapidly.

– Written by Patrick Michael

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