UN’s Anti-Blasphemy Resolution restricts free speech, promotes Islam

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji-qdC5zYd4If an U.N. Anti-Blasphemy Resolution is passed, it will outlaw criticism of Islam in any form. Even talking about the religion’s influence on terrorism could be a crime.

“A group of 57 Organization of Islamic Countries,” a February 25 Lou Dobbs report says, “the largest block at the United Nations, has been pushing it, out of concern, it says, for anti-Islamic behavior, saying, “This resolution is a major step towards sensitizing the international community on the serious impact of defamation of religions….”

“While appearing in name to promote tolerance, the implementation of this concept actually fosters intolerance and has served to justify restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Backers of the Anti-Blasphemy Resolution say their goal is simply to curtail speech that offends religion, specifically Islam. Religious groups and free speech advocates say the true goal is to extend the influence of Sharia law in the West.

The attached video is shocking. So shocking that you’ll immediately wonder why every major news organization hasn’t carried it. This measure is obviously in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution and a clear violation of free speech.

Lou Dobbs is outraged. Leftwing icon Christopher Hitchens is outraged. We’re outraged. You’ll undoubtedly be outraged, too.

Please view the video. Forward this story to your friends. Get the word out.

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